Thank you for listening to “The Profitable Photographer” podcast with Luci Dumas. We both hope you learned a lot from the February 26th interview.
Because you listened to the end of the podcast AND you want to start Being Prepared now, I have created a two-page jump start worksheet of the most important things you will do right away to help you to Be Prepared now and for the future.
Don’t just look this over and file it for a rainy day. Download and complete it now to help you and your family have a little more peace of mind around the business you are building.
The Special Page!
Why Is This Important?
Being prepared for a crisis because of the severe injury or loss of the business owner is as important as having a solid business plan, great photography skills, and effective marketing strategy to grow your business. Big companies create “risk mitigation strategies” or “business continuity plans”, but the small business owner just needs a basic game plan for someone to follow should they not be able to operate their business because of an unplanned crisis. This is where you give a few very trusted friends or business peers the tools they need to triage and stabilize the business. Your current customers can still be served, and your spouse/partner and family don’t risk having their lives further impacted by expenses and angry customers they can’t understand or control. It’s not fair to expect family members to step up to run the business in an emergency – their priorities may be more as caregivers to the owner, or worse, grieving. Someone outside the family circle is the best person be that trusted, designated agent.
Don’t let this go until you are facing a crisis. The information you document here will start to give you some peace of mind and ultimately benefit your spouse/partner and family.
Mike Price
Are You Ready to Take It Further?
If you like the Be Prepared Jump Start Worksheet, there is a lot more you can do to be even better prepared. I wrote the first guidebook on preparing your photography business to stabilized and eventually closed in the event of a crisis or even if just want to do a planned retirement. Personalize this fill-in-the blank guidebook to your specific business information so someone you designate can come in and operate the business on your behalf to serve your customers, wind down the business and free up the money stored in the business for your family to use. Don’t leave your spouse/partner or family holding the bag with a business they have no idea how to run.